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SMU student posing by Caymana Bay

Student Experience – Nitzan Gour

SMUSVM clinical student Nitzan Gour speaks with passion and unbridled enthusiasm about her time and experience in vet school.

SMUSVM clinical student Nitzan Gour speaks with passion and unbridled enthusiasm about her time at SMUSVM. “There is something very special about SMUSVM. I have met vet students from around the country who talk about their hard and lonely experience in vet school, and this is the opposite of my experience. I was one of 8 students, and I could talk to my professor anytime. There was always someone around to help. All of the professors were so happy for us to come see them in their free time, and were always so supportive and encouraging. I also learned a lot from my friends in our study groups. For three years I had the experience of being in a family, where we would all study together and be there for each other. There was empathy and communication at the school from day one.”

As a marine biology major undergrad in Israel, one of the main reasons that Nitzan chose to come to SMUSVM was the opportunity to participate in the MARVET program on the island. “I wanted to work with aquatic animals, and there was a great networking opportunity with these MARVET doctors. I had the chance to learn about, and scuba dive with sea turtles, dolphins, and blue iguanas. It was amazing!”

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